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Polygamy in Property: The Temptation to Stray 🐠 πŸ”‘ πŸ₯£

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Polygamy in Property: The Temptation to Stray

In the world of property, many start their journey with a specific location in mind, like a committed partner in a long-term relationship. They believe they've found "the one" – the perfect neighbourhood, the dream home. But as time goes by, something curious happens. The wandering eye syndrome sets in, and suddenly, they find themselves looking elsewhere. What prompts this temptation to stray from the initial property commitment?

Exploring Beyond the Comfort Zone

It's natural to seek variety and explore what else is out there. Just as in personal relationships, we may initially think we know exactly what we want in a property – the ideal location, the perfect size, the must-have features. But as we delve deeper into the property market, we realise that there's more to discover beyond our comfort zone.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

One common reason for property polygamy is the fear of missing out. When headlines scream about skyrocketing property prices and the rise of six-figure earners driving the market, it's easy to start second-guessing your choices. What if there's a better deal, a hotter location, or a more promising investment just a few miles away?

Impatience and Instant Gratification

In today's fast-paced world, impatience often leads to property infidelity. Buyers may grow frustrated with the time-consuming process of finding their dream home, leading them to consider quick wins in other areas. The allure of instant gratification can make alternative locations or property types seem appealing.

The Grass is Greener Mentality

The saying "the grass is always greener on the other side" holds true in property hunting too. Sometimes, the attraction to new possibilities arises from a desire for change, novelty, or an escape from daily routines. It's human nature to be drawn to the unknown and the potential for something better.


β€œLook in the mirror rather than at your neighbour.”

Frank Sonnenberg

Questioning the Status Quo

Now, let's address the alternative viewpoint to the rise in six-figure earners driving the property surge, as mentioned in the Irish Independent article last month. While a surge in high-earning individuals can indeed impact the property market, it's important to ask: Does this trend necessarily translate into a better property opportunity for you?

Question for you: What Matters Most in Your Property Journey?

In a world full of property options and financial statistics, it's crucial to stay true to your goals, preferences, and aspirations. Rather than succumbing to temptation, consider what truly matters in your property journey. Is it about joining the surge driven by high earners, or is it finding a home that aligns with your unique lifestyle and needs?

Key Takeaway: Stay Committed to Your Property Priorities (as best you can!)

While the allure of property polygamy can be tempting, remember that your property journey is a reflection of your personal preferences and long-term goals. Instead of blindly following trends or giving in to impulsive desires, stay committed to your priorities. It's not about what others are doing; it's about finding the right property fit for you.

In the end, a successful property journey is built on clarity, patience, and aligning your choices with your unique vision of home. So, resist the urge to stray and focus on what truly matters in your property relationship.

Did I mention our agency has been shortlisted for Buying Agency of the year?

Have a great weekend,


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