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Pin to Reality: Navigating the Perils of Pinterest in Property Hunting

Rethinking Perfection: The Pinterest Effect on Property Dreams

Well hello there!

You are tired, busy and wondering where to begin. Well you’re making a good start as you’re reading this. Check out a snippet of the new course launching at the end of the month.

“Aww, that's a beautiful room… I'll pin that.”

My Wife

This week, I'm marking your card on the perils of Pinterest. No, I have nothing against their morals or anything, but I do have a bone to pick with how we view what is perceived to be perfect versus the amazing potential a property may have.

Not to sound archaic, but the journey used to be something people relished (or at least put up with). Scramble to buy the house, sit on the floor for the first couple of months until they built up the couch kitty to buy furniture. Now, it seems we are all too used to being able to buy a new iPhone as soon as we drop the old one (sometimes on purpose for the insurance… come on, I know you were thinking that). We live in a throwaway society that says don’t bother repurposing or waiting, just get what you need NOW!

If this is you, you can call yourself Superman, because you have just found your Kryptonite. You need to let perfection go at the door, for now. When you're hunting for a property, it's easy to get caught up in the Pinterest-perfect images that flood our screens. But here's the thing: real life isn't a curated collection of the best moments. It's messy, it's unpredictable, and it's full of potential.

 The Illusion of Instant Perfection

We're bombarded with images of immaculate homes, where every corner is a testament to design perfection. But these snapshots don't tell the whole story. They don't show the years of saving, the weekends spent DIY-ing, or the sheer grit it takes to turn a house into a home. They just show the end result, not the journey.

baroness von sketch GIF

Embracing the Journey

Remember when buying a property was about the journey, not just the destination? It was about taking a space and making it your own, bit by bit. It was about celebrating each small victory, whether it was finally getting that couch or repainting a room. This journey is where the real magic happens – where a house becomes a home.

 The Power of Potential

Three Takeaways for the Pinterest-Weary Property Hunter:

1. Look Beyond the Surface: Don't be swayed by surface-level aesthetics. Look at the bones of the property – the layout, the location, the potential for improvement. These are the things that truly make a house a home.

2. Embrace the DIY Spirit: Get excited about the possibility of making a space your own. Remember, the most satisfying transformations are the ones you have a hand in creating.

3. Celebrate the Small Wins: Don't wait for the big reveal to feel proud of your home. Celebrate the small wins along the way – every little improvement is a step towards creating your dream space.

In conclusion, while Pinterest can be a great source of inspiration, it's important to remember that it's not the whole story. Real homes are built over time, effort, and a healthy dose of reality. So next time you're property hunting, take off the Pinterest goggles and look at the potential.

Who knows? You might just find a diamond in the rough waiting for your personal touch. 🏡✨🔨

By the by the by…

Our property buying course is going to be launched at the end of November (thats this month…)

Email [email protected] to register.

Stay safe,


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