New Beginnings: Making Real Change in the New Year

Are you for real? New Year... New You (But why!)

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Good morning all!

New Beginnings: Making Real Change in the New Year

As we step into a new year, many of us think about making big changes. January feels like a clean slate, a time to quit bad habits, get fit, or even make big moves like adding onto our homes or moving to a new place. But it’s important to look at why we make these choices. Are we really doing what's best for us, or are we trying to keep up with others? Let's also remember Charlie Munger, a famous and straightforward business guy, who lived simply despite his wealth. His choice shows us that happiness isn't always about having more.

“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.”

Charlie Munger

Why We Make New Year Resolutions

1. Feeling the Pressure: We often feel pushed by what everyone else is doing or what we think we should do. This can make us set goals that don't really fit our lives.

2. Worrying About What Others Think: It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. We see pictures of big, beautiful homes and think we need the same to be happy. But this can lead us to make choices that aren’t right for us.

3. Dream vs. Reality in Choosing Homes: Many people think about changing their homes in January, like building more rooms or moving. But these big decisions can be harder and cost more than we expect.

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 Charlie Munger's Lesson

Charlie Munger, who was known for his honest and direct way of speaking, made a choice that goes against what many of us think. He was very wealthy but lived in the same average-sized house for 70 years. His life teaches us that you don't need a big or fancy house to be happy. What matters is being content with what you have.

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You can also write down your plans…

Smart Choices in Real Estate

1. What You Want vs. What Others Do: When thinking about changing your home, ask yourself if it's really what you want or if you’re just trying to fit in. A bigger house might seem nice, but is it what suits your life?

2. Thinking About Costs and Feelings: Changing your home is a big deal. It costs money and can be stressful. Make sure you're ready for both.

3. Choosing a Happy Home, Not Just a Big One: Follow Munger’s example. Look for a home that makes you happy, not just one that looks good to others.


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Mr T believes in you

Key Takeaways

1. Think It Through: Make sure your goals are about what you want, not just what you think you should do.

2. Look at the Big Picture: Understand the real costs and emotional impact of changing your home.

3. Find Your Happy Place: Like Munger, aim for a home that brings joy, not just one that impresses others.

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Happy New Year

The new year is a great time for change, but make sure your choices are good for you. When it comes to where you live, it’s not about size or showing off, but about finding a place that feels right.

Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year,


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