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Choosing You: Why 'Selfishness' is the Key to Your Next Chapter

"Unlocking the Power of Prioritising Yourself in the Second Half of Life"

Empty Nesting

Hello Property Enthusiasts,

Welcome to the second edition of our weekly newsletter – your fresh source of insights into the Irish residential property market!

So, you've spent years keeping rooms for guests who rarely come, thinking that someday your kids might move back or visit often. But the only thing that really visits these extra bedrooms is dust. Let's be honest: a big house or any house for that matter, is a lot of work. It needs fixing, cleaning, and constant care.

"This house will be my legacy."

And let's talk about leaving the house to your kids. You might be thinking, "This house will be my legacy." But have you asked them if that's the legacy they want? Today’s younger folks have a whole different view of what they want in life. A house split 2-3 ways or in an area that doesn't suit their needs… Not so much. What they really want are experiences, being able to move freely, and not having a ton of debt. I understand there is a lot of challenges to home ownership but today I am talking to you and not the next generation.

I'm not saying that keeping the family home or wanting to leave something for your children is bad. What I'm saying is, it's time for you to think about what makes you happy, right now. Your life should fit your current needs, not the needs you had 20 years ago, or what you think others might need in the future.

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Let's flip the script. What if being "selfish" isn't bad? What if it means you're taking good care of yourself so you can be better for others? As they say on the plane, “put your mask on first before helping others”. What if making choices that make you happy also set a great example for your kids?

As we wrap up, I want to leave you with some simple thoughts.

  1. Talk to Your Family

    If you're thinking of making a move, have an open and honest conversation with your family about it. You might be surprised by what they think.

  2. Make a List

    Write down what you really need and want in a home at this stage of your life. A smaller place? Closer to the grandkids? Near a beach? Whatever it is, make a list.

  3. Take One Step

    You don't have to decide everything today, but you can do one thing to get closer to a home that fits your current life. Maybe that's talking to a real estate agent or just driving around neighbourhoods you like. Take one step, even as a thought exercise.

Repeat daily.

Life’s too short to be living for 'what-ifs.' Start living for what makes you happy now. And remember, choosing to make yourself happy isn't selfish, it's smart. And guess what? The best is yet to come.

Here's to your future, full of hope and happiness.



P.S. If you want to watch the video of this click here

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