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Bridging the Gap: Navigating Resentment in Property Sharing & Hunting

The Token approach ( and I don't mean blockchain!)

In the realm of property sharing among couples or family members, an often overlooked but palpable tension exists. This strain isn't about the decision to sell or stay but rather the nuances of living arrangements that favour one party over the other. It could be a house located closer to one partner's family, or the interior theme reflecting only one person's taste, inadvertently sowing seeds of resentment. This imbalance, subtle yet significant, can strain relationships over time.

Translating these dynamics to property hunting, similar issues surface but with a twist. Couples might find themselves at odds, not just over aesthetic preferences or budgets, but deeper, unspoken concerns. Perhaps it's the proximity to in-laws, the neighbourhood's vibe, or simply the style of the home that one partner prefers over the other. These are not just logistical decisions; they're deeply personal, often loaded with emotional weight.

However, the solution lies in open dialogue—a simple yet profound conversation where both parties feel heard. It's about giving space to air concerns, understand each other's perspectives, and ultimately find common ground.

To facilitate this, I propose a novel approach: The Checklist and Token Method.

“The art of conversation lies in listening.”

Malcolm Forbes

The Checklist and Tokens Method: A Path to Harmonious Property Hunting

As a gift to you, I've attached a tailored checklist designed to guide couples through the intricacies of property hunting.

Here's how it works:

1. Joint Checklist Creation: Together, work on a checklist that covers both your essential needs and wants in a property. This acts as your shared vision.

2. Distribution of Tokens: Each person receives an equal number of tokens. These tokens represent your individual choices—be it the area, style of the property, or any other non-negotiable aspect for you.

3. Respectful Exploration: Use your tokens to choose properties to view. When visiting a property selected by your partner, approach with an open mind. Afterward, grab a coffee together and discuss the viewing honestly but respectfully, allowing each person space to express their thoughts.

Did I mention our agency has been shortlisted for Buying Agency of the year? (I know I did but I’m reminding you how good I am…)

P.S. As a subscriber if you have friends or family who are feeling lost in their property journey they can book a 30 minute session with me to help them get clear (no sales pitch, just guidance & an impartial ear).

They can book it here.

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